Media Relations Service

GoodSense offers a full suite of  media relations, communications and stakeholder relations services, for values-alligned organisations, on project and retainer models

  • We bring a strategic perspective founding activity on a strong, co-created and multi-channel plan and clearly agreed key messages that cascade from brand to campaign level
  • We apply our collaborative and skill-transferring approach, so often plugin around teams and offer coaching on delivery to internal team members, as well as delivering ourselves.
  • Team members with extensive media relations experience include Kylie Bailey in Auckland,  Emma Williams in Wellington, Jodi van der Vliet in Tauranga and Chantelle Conroy in Europe.

We are finding journalists across media are seeking stories in the sustainability / social enterprise space so the PR / media relations opportunity has never been greater. However, it is important to understand what journalists need from your stories. And relationships are key.

We bring a strategic frame to stakeholder relations that has made a significant difference to values-based organisations reach and influence, ensuring voices for evidence-based decision making and public good are heard at the highest levels.

We take an integrated approach to media relations, social media and other communications, so every piece of quality content you have is treated like the treasure it is for storytelling.

See these examples of projects

The brand story project that stimulated innovations in customer experience


Case study NZ Post

Helping NZ Post tell their sustainability story.


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