Regional Business Partner Network: voucher requirements
Does your organisation qualify for Regional Business Partner funding?

Regional Business Partner Voucher Funding and Feedback
GoodSense is registered as a service provider nationwide under the Regional Business Partner Network. If your business meets your local business assessor’s criteria for funding you may qualify for a government-funded voucher towards the cost of your marketing support.
The value of vouchers issued will vary and they can be used to cover up to 50% of the full cost of the project fee, up to a maximum value set by the issuing Regional Business Partner. If your business has been hurt by the Covid-19 pandemic you may be eligible for 100% funding to work with us. The maximum amount a business can receive in one financial year is $5,000 excluding GST.
To be able to receive a RBP voucher a business must be registered on the Regional Business Partners website and meet the following criteria:
• have undergone an assessment with a Regional Partner
• have fewer than 50 full time equivalent employees
• be registered for GST in New Zealand
• be operating in a commercial environment
• privately owned businesses, or are a Maori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture henua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership
In this video by Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development (ATEED), GoodSense client Auckland Whale & Dolphin Safari talk about the support they received under the Regional Business Partner voucher programme >
Read the full GoodSense case study here
Feedback received on GoodSense work from Regional Business Partner funded clients.
For more information or an informal discussion about how working with GoodSense and RBP could benefit your organisation, please contact us today.