Get experienced help with your tourism marketing strategy

If you need marketing help to rebuild your tourism business, please say hello through the form here.  Our experienced marketing team can help you develop a new strategy for the domestic market. Or plan ahead for when our borders re-open to overseas guests.

We can help with positioning, brand strategy, targeting, messaging strategy, online, social media, and media relations strategic planning.  If you have an accommodation, activity or transport business, or promote a destination, and would like strategic marketing support, please get in touch.

Your GoodSense team

Our experienced marketing team, with tourism backgrounds, includes:

Canterbury based Allanah Robinson – formerly Marketing Manager for Destination Marlborough




Formerly Queenstown and now Auckland based GoodSense Director Jo Patterson – an experienced tourism trainer and coach, who has represented publications and digital platforms for AA Guides and Tourism NZ and published the successful ‘Bright Red Trail Maps’ visitor guides to outdoor adventure



GoodSense MD Kath Dewar whose experience includes Air NZ, SeaLink and Auckland Whale and Dolphin Safari




Tourism marketing support services

TOURISM TOGETHER – How to adapt your tourism business from international to domestic. For owners and managers in smaller businesses. Priced at just $1,095 +gst, per company, each business works alongside others, with GoodSense, online.

As part of a cohort of different tourism operators, you will take part in a series of three interactive training workshops, under the guidance of an expert GoodSense trainer. This cohort approach develops your planning capability by combining GoodSense’s marketing skills and tourism experience with the diverse perspectives offered by members of the group, and your knowledge of your business.

This programme has been carefully designed to fill your knowledge gaps, giving you the tools, direction, and advice you need to develop a practical and cost-effective marketing plan for your tourism business.  Let us know you’re interested through the form here.   

(Regional Business Partner service code 15780)

TOURISM FOCUS – This workshop with coaching programme is for tourism operators large enough to need more in-depth capability building. $4,975 +gst


This workshop-based programme is for tourism business owners and managers who need to develop planning skills to pivot your marketing towards domestic rather than international customers.

An experienced GoodSense facilitator will guide you through a three-step process – Discovery, Design and Delivery – to prepare a plan to attract domestic customers. The 3Ds approach combines GoodSense’s marketing skills and tourism experience, with your unique offering to co-create a post Covid-19 marketing plan for your tourism business. Let us know you’re interested through the form here.

(Regional Business Partner service code 15857)

 COACHING – Personalised marketing coaching. Perfect for implementation support. Let us know you’re interested through the form here  

(Regional Business Partner service code 6564)

Possible funding towards the cost of these services

These services are registered under the COVID-19 Business Advisory Fund. Your business may qualify for funding, to help with the Covid-19 rebuild. Funding may cover up to 100% of the programme fee but that is up to a regional business Growth Advisor to determine. Register for possible funding with the Regional Business Partner Network.

To talk with us at GoodSense about these services, or any other marketing support you’d like, say hello through the form here

Why GoodSense?

GoodSense has been successfully supporting clients of the  Regional Business Partner Network throughout Aotearoa for over five years.

  • We are skilled at enabling, training, and coaching business owners and their teams in how to apply strategic marketing in a practical way to achieve business goals.  Our focus is on teaching businesses how to think in a customer-oriented way so they can plan and implement better marketing themselves after the engagement.
  • Our approach is collaborative, working with clients to upskill members of their crew.  As a remote-first team we’re used to running training and facilitating marketing strategies remotely where that is needed or preferred.
  • We have been the New Zealand leaders in marketing sustainability since 2010, so the support we give clients is underpinned by this future-fit expertise.  Future financial success for kiwi companies depends on social responsibility and environmental stewardship. Operators with an interest in how their destinations, products, and services can be kind on nature, people, or the climate will have the best values fit with us.

Read more about our approach.

GoodSense in action with a tourism client

Read about one of the tourism clients we helped, through the Regional Business Partner programme, here.  See what Auckland’s Regional Business Partner, ATEED, said about our work with Auckland Whale & Dolphin Safari here.

To talk about the help you’d like with your marketing, please call us on 09 973 0960 or pop your details below and we’ll get in touch. Talk soon!

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Let us know if you are interested here and we'll get in touch to talk through how we can best help.

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